Cardboard, Gaffer Tape, Duct Tape, Sharpies
School skirt, cardboard, Duct Tape, hot glue, and Sharpies
Today was the day that the school our SilentJudge attends celebrated World Book Day. The children were invited to dress up as their favourite characters from books. Unusually, the school sent home a list of books from which to choose the characters. SilentJudge is something of an unstoppable reader and many of the books she reads were not on the list. In previous years, and in other schools, the kids were allowed to choose from any books, but hey-ho.
One of the listed items was the book of How To Train Your Dragon. Always keen to be a powerful female, SilentJudge decided she would like to be Astrid Hofferson. It turns out that Astrid does not actually feature in the books at all and was, in fact, created for the film adaptation. We weren't going to let this stop us though. Our reasoning is that without the books there would have been no movie and, since the film/tv version, there are now books using the increased cast of characters.
Naomi and I spent a bit of time working, with SilentJudge, to put an outfit together. We bought some cheap UGG-like boots that looked suitably Viking. A t-shirt and leggings from Primark provided the foundation of the clothing. We also found a faux fleece/sheepskin lion-headed throw that had been reduced due some damage. Naomi broke out the sewing kit and made a 'fur' skirt, cape, and arm warmers. We fashioned some 'metal' studs and skulls from cardboard, duct tape, and sharpie, and hot-glued them onto a school skirt that had been cut to look like armour. I made an axe and some shoulder armour out of more cardboard and gaffer/duct tape.
All in all it worked out pretty well and our girl was very happy with it.
The completed costume
You do not want to mess with SilentJudge
Another list of things we purchased. This time DIY and loft related.